Our history is taken from the Dedication Program, produced for the official opening of the rink on February 27, 1988.
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James W. Campion III
“Jim was so involved with the many facets of the community, not only Hanover but, even more, the larger community. This rink is a thrilling way to provide a continuity between Jim’s life and this generation and coming generations. “This new skating rink focuses on the positives of youth that result from good, healthful recreational and competitive activities.”
– Dorothy Campion-Corcoran
James W. Campion III was a selectman in Hanover, co-owner of the James Campion Inc. clothing store and prominent civic leader on local and state levels. Jim suffered a fatal heart attack in April 1982 while returning to Hanover from a ski vacation with his family.
A notable member of both business and political communities in Hanover and New Hampshire, Jim had been on the Board of Selectmen since 1974 and chaired the Board from 1975 until his death.
Jim and his brother, Ron, took over the family’s clothing business in 1968. The firm, a local institution, was begun by their grandfather and moved to Hanover shortly after 1900.
Jim was born on March 7, 1930 in Hanover. He received his early education in Hanover schools and graduated from Governor Dummer Academy in 1948. As a youngster he played hockey and was a speed skater. Jim attended the University of New Hampshire and returned to Hanover in 1951.
His record of public service spanned more than 20 years and included much work on behalf of young people. He was a member of the Hanover Improvement Society from 1973 until his death.
The Campion Rink:
The Goal
The goal of the Campion Rink is to provide an indoor arena to serve organized and recreational skating programs of children and adults throughout the Upper Valley. The facility embodies the spirit of life-long athletic development that was valued by Jim Campion.
An Athletic Resource
For the countless number of area citizens who have been involved in the many stages of development, the Campion Rink is visualized as a facility that can be used by residents throughout the area for both winter and summer sport activities.
From mid-October to mid-March, the facility will operate as a first class regional ice rink available to youth and adult programs. Core users include the Hanover and Lebanon high school hockey teams — Campion Rink already is “home ice” to both teams.
The rink provides superior ice availability for the youth hockey teams of Hanover and Lebanon and members of The Skating Club who use the facility as a training and performance center for youth and adult figure skating. For adults and their families there is ice time available for recreational skating.
From spring to fall, the locker, lavatory and shower facilities will be available for participants in athletic events taking place on the new Sachem Recreation Fields adjacent to the rink.
In very way, the James W. Campion III Rink will be a year-round resource serving the athletic needs of the public in the Upper Valley.
Campion Rink Facilities
Located on 14 acres at Sachem Field in West Lebanon, the Campion Rink is slightly more than one mile from downtown Hanover and 2.5 miles from West Lebanon center. The building is 220 feet long and 130 feet wide, enclosing a regulation 200X85-foot skating surface.
In addition to the lobby and mechanical-electrical equipment areas, there are four team dressing rooms with shower/lavatory facilities and public rest rooms. The rink manager’s office incorporates concession and skate sharpening areas.
Seating for 450 spectators is provided and parking for athletes and spectators at the rink and playing fields will accommodate 150 cars.
The rink lobby provides a nostalgic link with the past. It includes a wall constructed with brick and granite that was formerly part of Davis Rink. Built during the 1920s, Davis Rink was Dartmouth’s primary ice facility until Thompson Arena opened in 1975. Davis was then used actively by area youth hockey and figure skating programs until it was razed in 1985.
Management of the Campion Rink is provided by the Hanover Improvement Society Community Rink Inc. Operating income is generated from user fees. Commitments from the primary user groups is expected to meet annual operating expenses of the arena.
Campaign Organization
Building Committee
Fundraising Committee
Communications Committee
Events Committee
The Hanover Improvement Society Community Rink Inc.
Dedication Committee
Rink Management